Monday, February 6, 2012

After all I've done for you!

Sisters, I can recall times in my life I've been soooo hurt and disappointed with people, especially those I had sacrificed for, went above and beyond for, bent over backwards for...and in my time of need, they were noooo where to be found. Can anyone relate to this???

I remember one specific incident with an ex-boyfriend whom I had absolutely adored and had poured out my love and kindness all over. Years later, after the relationship had ended but we remained friends, I found myself going through a series of health challenges and his "seeming" lack of concern just really ticked me off to the highest degree. With thoughts of how I had been there for him and how he was treating me playing over and over in my mind, I finally reached my boiling poing, and made it, not only my business, but my duty, to let him know how selfish and self centered he was...with exclamation points and all!!!! lol

Between that email and today, God has taught me a lot of things. One of the major things has been about trusting in Him not in people. Often, we are so consumed and focused on getting approval, love, and attention from others that we get our little hearts broken when people let us down, and they inevitably will let us down, because well...they are flawed... just as we are. How many people have you let down, even with the best intentions?

God has shown me that He is my source. He is my hope. He approves me. He loves me. He is faithful to me. He will provide for me. He will make a way for me. He is the ONLY one responsible for me. This is so freeing for me. As a result, I have determined in my heart to not put expectations on others because, truly, only God can meet every expectation we have without fail :-). Ladies, let's stop looking to people and instead look to God for everything that we need; He's right there in the midst of it all and He's got it all under control. Thank you Lord!

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  1. I can relate 10000%. Right now I am going through a trial with my fiancee'. He tends to not lie but not tell all of the truth. Such as he was married before me and him and his wife had a nasty divorce. So recently she comes back in the picture and they text back and forth. So every night before we go to bed we tell each other or peak and pit of the day. So my pit of the day was I feel that he is being dishonest with me. He tells me no and we move on so later on through out the night I toss and turn and toss and turn. So he has his phone on Vibrate and it goes off and it was a text from his ex wife stating that she had fun with at dinner and they must do it again and he response was "lol, you're a mess" and I never question or ask about it I am just leaving it in God's hand because he will bring everything in the light.Jimmy Hicks have a song and it called "Tears" and he said that Somebody's gonna pay for these tears. So Im leaving to God and not mention what I have discovered...ladies what is your thoughts?

  2. WARNING WARNING WARNING. Sister, you are headed for the danger zone. Have you and this man been to pre-marital counseling with a pastor? I'm thinking the answer is no, sis. Listen, I highly recommend that you call of this today. To marry a man that is dishonest, doing God knows what behind your back, stressing you out already, can not be a divorce or misery in the making. I'm telling you.. all the red flags are flying high and this is simply not a good decision. IF he is willing to go for pre-marital counseling then maybe this relationship may have a chance at success but if are making a big mistake. Please keep us posted. Love, Deslene

  3. ~UPDATE~
    After crying the last tear I have decided to go to my sisters house to clear my head before making rational decisions. I have let him know what the problem was and he wanted to talk but he should have wanted to take to me before I found out on my own. Yes I am hurt but the Lord has my back. My cell phone is cut off and it will remain that way for tonight and maybe tomorrow I just hope everything goes well with our three girls. I am sitting an example for my girls if I don't do it for myself.

    All to pieces,

  4. I found myself in this very same predicament. This blog is really helping me think because I still find myself getting upset about how I would bend over backwards and move heaven and hell if I had to for him but when I needed him nothing.But I have finally realized I only need my God to see me through and he was just a lesson I had to learn about where my focus should be if I can put that much effort into a man who wasn't my husband imagine the relationship I could be nurturing with God with all the energy I was giving him.
