Wednesday, February 1, 2012

WHERE are you Jesus?!!!!!

Awwwwww life...filled with many ups, but also filled with many downs. Sometimes you're on top of the world...other times you have to laugh to keep from crying.  Neeeeever a dull moment, lol. We're all dealing with so much and often the challenges of life can seemingly outweigh the joys - but in the midst of it all - God is right there. HOWEVER when you're going through those rough places and the burdens seem so overbearing and the wait, endless - those moments of despair can creep in, regardless of how strong you are in your faith.

I was recently challenged with the engine on my car blowing on the highway on my way back from going to check out a lucrative job promotion that I was offered, and considering. The car breaking down just totally put a wrench in any thought I had of accepting that job, as it was a long commute and simply impossible without a reliable vehicle. Adamant about not financing a vehicle, it came down to finding another car that I would need to pay cash for, so it needed to be...well... in the budget. And who has thousands of dollars for a new car in the budget????? 

Months dragged on, nothing was working out, anxiety rearing its head, inconvenienced on every side... but through it all, God provided.  He provided rides to work from co-workers, rides home from co-workers , friends and even residents, lol. He provided taxi money, grocery deliveries...wooo He provided! Today I'm thrilled, as I just put my new car on the road!! Amazingly, like only God can, He worked it out in such an awesome way. One of residents at my job happened to be selling a car and because I had always been so kind and helpful to her, she favored me over others who were also interested in the car.  God is faithful!  And no matter what it looks like, He's trustworthy. If God has ever ever ever come through for you before... He will certainly do it again. Thank you daddy :-). 

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge him, And he will make your paths straight.”
(Proverbs 3:5-6)

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